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Burn Fat



The holy grail of visceral fat loss!
I want to tell you about a new supplement that really has me excited.
It’s Matured Hops Extract: MHE-3, otherwise known as pHix.
This is something that personally inspired me in my own journey to optimal health and a healthy lifespan.
Matured hops extract is a new, clear and flavourless supplement made from hops flowers, using a special patent pending process. It promotes natural fat burning, including visceral fat, by activating the brown adipose tissue. This then increases the body’s thermogenic response. Thermogenesis is a natural bodily function in which the body raises its temperature and energy output. One serving of pHix will cause this response for 9 hours. By improving our fat burning capacity it is more of an activator than a supplement.
MHE-3 is easy to take – you just add to any liquid, hot or cold. It is plant derived and made from all natural ingredients. It has no observed side effects and does not contain caffeine or any other stimulants.



What does the research say?
Whenever I evaluate a new supplement I like to check out the research and try it for myself before recommending it to anyone else.
The studies show significant results, here is a selection to peruse:

Matured Hop Bittering Components Induce Thermogenesis in Brown Adipose Tissue via Sympathetic Nerve Activity

Taken together, these findings indicate that MHB ameliorates diet-induced body fat accumulation, at least partly, by enhancing thermogenesis in BAT via BAT-SNA activation. Our data suggests that MHB is a useful tool for developing functional foods or beverages to counteract the accumulation of body fat.

Matured hop extract reduces body fat in healthy overweight humans: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group study


Compared to the placebo group, a significant reduction was observed in the visceral fat area after 8 and 12 weeks, and in the total fat area after 12 week in the active group. The present study suggests that continual ingestion of MHE safely reduces body fat, particularly the abdominal visceral fat of healthy overweight subjects.

The relationship between the effect of matured hop extract and physical activity on reducing body fat: re-analysis of data from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group study

The results suggested that MHE ingestion combined with light intensity exercise [walking] would induce a greater reduction in VFA which would be beneficial for obese or overweight individuals in reducing obesity and obesity-related diseases.

Matured Hop-Derived Bitter Components in Beer Improve Hippocampus-Dependent Memory Through Activation of the Vagus Nerve

Together, our results suggest that MHBA improves memory function via stimulation of the vagus nerve and enhancement of NE release in the hippocampus. Vagus nerve activation by the intake of food materials including MHBA may be a safe and effective approach for improving cognitive function.

Effects of Hop Bitter Acids, Bitter Components in Beer, on Cognition in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

This is the first study to evaluate the effects of bitter ingredients in beer on cognition, subjective mood, and mental fatigue in a clinical trial. Our findings suggest that hop-derived bitter acids might be beneficial for cognition and mood state.

Supplementation with Matured Hop Bitter Acids Improves Cognitive Performance and Mood State in Healthy Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline

This study suggested that MHBA intake improves cognitive function, attention, and mood state in older adults.

An extract of hops (Humulus lupulus L.) modulates gut peptide hormone secretion and reduces energy intake in healthy-weight men: a randomized, crossover clinical trial

Both gastric and duodenal delivery of a hop extract modulates the release of hormones involved in appetite and glycemic regulation, providing a potential “bitter brake” on EI in healthy-weight men.

My results so far:

After reading many positive testimonials I decided to try this at the beginning of December. I eat healthily anyway and didn’t change anything, apart from Christmas when I indulged in things I don’t normally eat or drink. After 8 weeks I had lost 7lbs on the scales and more importantly 18 inches overall including nearly 3 inches from my waist.
I now experience much deeper and more refreshing sleep and far less anxiety. I also have significantly more energy.
This new supplement is great to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle and routine as it supports and repairs metabolism.
If you are looking to optimise your nutrition and eat more healthily this is an ideal supplement to support you in this.



How does it work?:
Matured Hops Extract works by activating the vagus nerve.
The Vagus Nerve - Cranial Nerve X - is the longest cranial nerve, connecting the brain to vital organs like the heart, lungs, and digestive system. It plays a crucial role in stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system into action, which leads away from the sympathetic default mode of flight, fight and freeze into "rest and digest" functions, helping the body relax, lower stress, repair and maintain homeostasis. Here's how matured hops extract contributes to its activation:
1. Rich in Bioactive Compounds: Matured hops extract contains polyphenols, flavonoids, and bitter acids such as humulones and lupulones. These compounds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that improve gut health, a key player in the gut-brain axis regulated by the vagus nerve. Bitter taste receptors in the gut are activated which activates the vagal nerve endings.
2. Enhancing the Gut-Brain Connection: The vagus nerve serves as a communication bridge between the gut and the brain. By promoting a healthy gut microbiome, matured hops extract helps enhance this communication, improving vagal tone and overall well-being.
3. Reducing Stress and Inflammation: Chronic stress and inflammation negatively affect vagal function. The calming and anti-inflammatory effects of the compounds in matured hops extract can mitigate these issues, supporting healthy vagus nerve activity.
4. Supporting Parasympathetic Functions: The vagus nerve helps slow the heart rate, improve digestion, and regulate emotional well-being. Hops extract promotes relaxation and reduces cortisol levels, indirectly strengthening the parasympathetic response.
5. Impact on Fat Metabolism: Visceral fat contributes to systemic inflammation, which impairs vagus nerve function. Stimulation of the vagal nerve in the gut activates the brain to send a message to increase thermogenesis in the brown adipose tissue via increasing UCP-1 (uncoupling protein 1) and the number of mitochondria in which this chemical is used. UCP-1 helps the mitochondria turn fuel, in the form of fat, into heat rather than ATP. Fat for this process is obtained from white adipose tissue elsewhere in the body which includes visceral fat and deep subcutaneous fat. By helping to reduce visceral fat, matured hops extract supports a healthier inflammatory environment, further aiding vagus nerve performance. Mobilising fat stores also increases the amount of raw materials we have access to for hormone synthesis and brain function and repair as well as to be built into cell membranes and organelle structures.
Releasing visceral fat also allows the NKT cells (natural killer T cells) we make as part of our own immune system into the rest of the body to do the job they are created to do which is to destroy any new cancer prone cells whenever they emerge. We don’t want our NKT cells held hostage and firefighting in the toxic fatty environment - they have work to do elsewhere.
By supporting the vagus nerve, matured hops extract contributes to improved digestion, stress management, heart health, and overall systemic balance, making it a powerful natural tool for enhancing wellness. It is the ultimate in restoring well needed balance and homeostasis.



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